RF. Radio Frequency. The stuff that Marconi made famous. Or maybe it made Marconi famous. Either way, it's not just for listening to hockey games anymore.
The RF Nomad voltage-controlled sideband shortwave receiver Eurorack module is on sale at dealers now!
The RF Nomad adds the squealy, squelchy, noisy, unpredictable vintage sounds of shortwave radio to your modular. But this is no ordinary shortwave; it's been designed to be extra noisy, extra squealy, extra gritty, and just downright nasty. No built-in output filtering means that a rich spectrum of harmonic content is available on the audio output jack. Audio levels can be driven to distortion. CV control lets you add your own creative spin on sound design.
Hissy interstation audio. Squealy heterodynes. Fading stations. Atmospheric noises. Faint voices in foreign languages from distant broadcast stations. Fire and brimstone. It's all in there, just like your granddad's old tabletop shortwave.
But, the RF Nomad adds a twist: The tuning is voltage controlled. Sure, when you were a kid, you discovered you could make spacy noises on Papa's shortwave by slowly turning the tuning dial. But just how fast could you twist that dial? Faster than an audio-rate LFO? Hardly. Voltage controlled tuning means that the RF Nomad will let you explore sounds you never imagined you could get out of a shortwave receiver.
- Eurorack modular synth format
- voltage-controlled sideband shortwave receiver
- 8hp (40.6mm)
- ???
- 3U (128.5mm, standard Eurorack)
- +12v: 9 mA, -12v: 9mA