Haken Continuum Interface Module
The µCVC is a 6HP Eurorack module that outputs the WXYZ information from a single finger controlling a Continuum or ContinuuMini. You can think of it as 1/4 of a CVC. Up to two µCVC modules can be daisy-chained together, to allow tracking two fingers. A Scaled-down version of the Haken Audio CVC “Continuum Voltage Converter”, it allows a single finger on the Continuum surface to control up to 4 CV’s plus a gate.
- Eurorack modular synth format
- RF amplitude modulator
- 6hp (30.5mm)
- 50mm
- 3U (128.5mm, standard Eurorack)
- +12v: 9mA, -12v: 9mA, 5v: 0mA
- Made in USA of RoHS-compliant components
- Can be daisy-chained with a second unit for duophonic play
- +/- 12VDC
- +/- 10VDC pk-pk